This week I love...

...Pinterest! I've been a bit under the weather all week but yesterday I had to admit that I'd reach my limit and so I'm now at home, coughing my lungs out and sneezing every five minutes. I guess it's good that I'm sick so rarely as this is really not fun. Definitely not one of the things I love this week! The thing that has kept me entertained has been Pinterest. I'm sure you all know by now that I love it but I just keep finding new things about it to love. I especially love that new feature "Explore Interests" that you can find through the directory. It's based on your pins and it'll show you things you might like. And I've definitely liked it!!

I think that's enough of my love for Pinterest, let's have a look at what else I've loved this week...

1. I ♥ House Doctor
I am absolutely in love with these bottles from House Doctor's S/S 2014 collection. I don't know what it is about them but I'm obsessed and I need to get at least one, preferably three. :) I've seen various colours online but none in the shops yet. So, the search continues...

2. I ♥ cactus
I predict that the good old cactus is going to make a comeback into the flower and plant scene this year. What am I basing this prediction on? Just my own observations of what I've seen in blogs but also in shops. For example Ikea stocks an amazing array of different kind of cactus varieties. I already have one but I think I need to get a couple more. I guess this is the only kind of plant that even I can't kill. The inspiration pictures are from my Pinterest board Gardens, Plants and Flowers.

3. I ♥ this house
Yes yes, it's from Sweden. But I can't help it that they appeal to me. They're just so pretty, aren't they? This one caught my eye with that kitchen and the fully tiled wall. Wow!!! My favourite tile on the whole wall. Love!!! I also really ended up liking the sanded down doors. They bring a bit of warmth to the house. That super thick knitted blanket on the sofa is awesome too!!! And the arrangement of the sofas facing each other... I professed my love to this arrangement a few weeks ago, remember? You can find the rest of the pictures from Alvhem, here.

4. I ♥ fresh, dewy skin
With spring just around the corner (I hope), it's time to start salvaging that winter beaten skin. I always find myself drawn to fresh looking, dewy skin around this time of year. Winter is harsh on your skin so you need to give it some extra attention to prepare for the summer months. I was looking for pictures to demonstrate perfect skin and who better to show it off than Biotherm's latest face, Leighton Meester. She looks stunning in these pictures - both fresh faced in the new advert and with a full face of make-up at an event. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Now I just need to find out what kind of new products I should invest in to achieve skin like this. Serums, oils, lotions and potions, here I come...

5. I ♥ Michael Buble
Despite being sick as a dog tonight I will have to gather up all my strength as it's finally arrived... the night of Michael Buble's concert here in Finland. We bought tickets to my mum for Christmas and luckily she's taking me with her. Yay! I cannot wait. In case you have lived under a rock for the past years, here is his music video to show you who he is and what he can do. I AM TOO EXCITED!!!

Have a fabulous weekend!!! And enjoy Michael!  


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