Beauty inspiration

I've had some problems with uploading pictures onto the blog today so I haven't been able to compose my usual Friday post. *sob sob* So, I'm going to post this beauty post from my archive and do a Saturday favourites post tomorrow instead.

In case any of you are having the same problem, it's Internet Explorer 9 that's preventing the uploading of pictures. I downloaded Firefox onto the computer just now and managed to add these photos so it's working again!!
Eli jos jollain muulla on myös ollut ongelmia kuvien kanssa tänään, niin se johtuu Internet Explorer 9:stä eli kannattaa käyttää esim. Firefoxia kunnes saavat sen korjatuksi.

So, my New Year's resolution was to take better care of myself and in addition to trying to eat more healthy and do more exercise, that means updating my make-up routines, getting a new haircut (more about that later) and looking after my skin, nails and hair properly. Do you have any plans to update your beauty routines?!

Here are some inspiration pictures from my Make-Up, Nails and Beauty Tips board on Pinterest. As my main inspiration I've put the super gorgeous Kim Kardashian. I love her hair and make-up so she'll be my beauty ambassador this year. Other celebs that are inspiring me at the moment include Ashley Olsen (showing off her gorgeous skin in the pictures below), the always stunning Keira Knightley (with beautiful smoky eyes below) and in addition to them, Rachel Bilson, Jessica Alba and Lauren Conrad.I wonder if I left anyone out...

Well, let's have a look at the pictures, shall we?!



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